
How knows where I can do my my catholic confirmation in Mexicali Mexico ASAP???? Maybe in 1 day??

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I'm getting married and in order to be able to get married thru a catholic church I need to have all 3 certificates missing confirmation, I want to do it ASAP...




  1. The only way I know to do this is to go in person to the Church where you got your Confirmation.  Most Churches keep only paper records of the Baptism, Confirmations, First COmmunions, Weddings, etc.  You go to the Church, request the certificate and they will check the records.  They will also check if a similar request was done before, since they only issue those certificates only ONCE.

    I am sorry to say that that kind of tramit is nothing that can typically be expedited.  Trying calling the Church you got confirmed at and see what they say.  Good luck.

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