
How laid back is new zealand ?

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Hi everybody, is new zealand really an old fashioned boring country ? I hear from kiwis that its boring and nothing intresting happened since forever , and its a laid back country , what is laid back anyway? does it mean that people are lazy and they don't work ? i'm considering moving there and i've lived in new jersy and toronto , am i going to have a culture shock or something? i don't wanna live in a place where it's like the 18th century , am i going to find the latest technology there ? like top of the line laptops cell phones TVs and stuff like that ? are there malls and big stores like circuit city and best buy in america? or am just gonna find farms and sheep? i just wanna make the right decision , am used to new york city and toronto's life styles , and i don't wanna make a bad choice to move there , but i've heard that its a clean and beautiful country and alot of stuff are cheaper that the US and canada , i'm just confused , any help ??? please




  1. very laid back

  2. stay in america if you want to stay inside all day on your latest laptop and cell phone. i wouldnt trade living in new zealand for moving to america any day. not even if i was paid. we have heaps of rural farming areas, lots of sheep. it is clean an beautiful, but what is it compare if your looking for technology and stuff. figure out what you want before you move because the best features to new zealand are its scenery and adventure sports, people dont come here for the cheap high tech cell phones and laptops thinking its going to be the next new york you will be sadly mistaken i guarantee it. good luck =]

  3. If you dont even know what laid back means, then you need to find out.

  4. Gidday good buddy,

    Yeah, 'Laid Back' is a subjective term. Most people know what it means to them, but can't explain what they mean to others.

    Anyway, NZ is a comfortable country where everything or nothing can happen - depending on your interests and your points of view.

    In general NZers are hardworking and happy, and know how to laugh at their own misfortunes.

    The population of cell phones to people is the world's highest. One in 3 have a cellphone. (I've got one but rarely use it -but I'm not normal.)

    Laptops have been here since laptops were born, at new prices ranging from $NZ700 to $5 000. A NZer is the marketing manager  of Microsoft, and you don't get to be in that position by living in the 18th century.

    Nearly everyone who comes here will experience a "culture shock" and you either get over it and join in, or you leave.

    Check out some of the URLs that others have given.

    Make up your mind, and if you decide to go to NZ, you will probably enjoy it.

    See ya,

    Driver T

  5. New Zealanders were once known worldwide for their interests in rugby, racing and beer. These days were more well known for Rugby, Peter Jacksons movies, and Once Were Warriors. We are known as Kiwis (after our national bird the flightless Kiwi)......To say were laid back is true especially in the country areas, the nation has a democratic socialist style parliamenary system, and in some areas yes it can seem like youre back in the 18th century this is mainly because some areas have a passion for restoring and preserving historic architecture, Ive been to small towns where the main street looks like youve stepped back in time to anywhere from the 1800's to somewhere around 1940? Dont expect to find New York hustle and bustle here, well except in Auckland our largest city, theres over a million peeps there, (dont go out at night in Auckland)......and while its still a rat race like New York, youll find the best things about NZ are south of the Bombay hills, the country areas and rural towns, the national parks, mountains, desert road, scenic attractions, rivers, lakes, adventure tourism, eco tours (like whale watching), cultural performances and tours, and of course if youre lucky enough to be in NZ during the rugby season (winter) you might be able to sit yourself in a stadium full of Kiwis while the mighty All Blacks are playing another intenational team. As for being old fashioned and boring, well I believe there is no boring only people are boring, and yes there is still some old fashioned fogeys out there, sometimes theyre more preferable to the c**p attitudes and gangsta horse p**s that infests the world these days. Kiwis are down to earth, up with the times, but when it comes to electronic gadgets we are a few years behing the US, I personally dont anyone with a tivo frinstance and 5 years ago a 20GB PC was the fastest and biggest thing around LOL!!!!! Not a lot of blackberrys here that I know of but if its gadgets you want then stay in New York. Hope these links help a little.

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