
How large are the worlds supplies of uranium?

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If we converted all of the worlds electric power generating plants to nuclear, how long would we be able to fuel them? Any decent estimates as to the reserves of uranium?




  1. Known amounts are about 200 year worth at today's usage rate.  This means if the world moves towards more nuclear power in order to solve the problem of global warming, we better realize that it is only a short term solution.  If the world starts building more and more power plants, it means in reality we could have as little as 50 years worth of nuclear energy remaining.

  2. The person who put 50 years fails to take in to account new technology. The new generation 3 and generation 4 nuclear power stations are not only safer but also require less fuel to power them.

    Also once Uranium has been used it can be re-enriched and used again.  Having worked on a Nuclear power plant I have seen this process first hand.

  3. We may have 50 years, but that's only that we know of. In fifty years we will be able to go back out and find more. How many times have people said that oil was going to run out, and we just find more of it or use better technology to empty fields more? It's the same situation. We will never technically run out of anything because as long as there is a demand for it, people will continue to search and mine for it. As it gets harder, and you go into more capital intensive locations to get at the raw material, the higher the price. Eventually it will be so expensive, that no will want it anymore and find alternatives. It's no surprise that oil has hit $100 a barrel and Hyundai is introducing the first hydrogen car. can get the number of how many years we have left at the current consumption rate (50 or so it has been said above me), but in reality, that number doesn't mean a whole lot.

  4. With the use of Breeder Reactors, the use of uranium becomes almost obsolete.

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