
How large does a planet/moon have to be before it is spherical and not oblong?

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How large does a planet/moon have to be before it is spherical and not oblong?




  1. Moon is one third size of the earth.

    gravity is 1/81 of earth.

  2. as long as it spins i guess

  3. The center of gravity is fixed for solid bodies.

  4. its not always a matter of size- its a matter of matter. for an example, a neutron star is only 10 miles in diameter. if a rocky celestrial body was 10 miles long it would not be massive and dense enough for its own gravity to shape it into a sphere. the neutron star is round because it is extreamily dense, and therfore has more gravity. the actual density for an object to shape itself into a sphere is not known, but it probably a little less than the density of pluto.

  5. it doesnt matter how large it is, it just has to have the same diameter no matter how you measure it

  6. as long as it spins (which everything does) it will be oblong

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