
How late can I take my pill?

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I'm on birth control for more regulated periods and lately I've been forgetting about it and taking it up to 2 hours late. I know that I wouldn't be accurately protected against pregnancy, but would I notice any other side effects from that little bit of missed time? Would two hours throw off my whole cycle?




  1. 2 hours won't be a problem.  What they mean by taking it at the same time each day is like each day at breakfast or some other meal.  Don't take it one day at breakfast and the next day at dinner.   As long as you are withing a few hours of the same time there should be no problem.

  2. it all depends on what type of birth control you are on all pills are different if you arent sure check it out on internet or go to your doctor

  3. May I assume you're taking a combined BCP (one that has both estrogen and progesterone)?  If that's the case, while it's not *ideal* to miss the "time window" it's not that great a detriment either.

    If you read your instructions, it simply says that if you forget to take your pill take it as soon as you remember.  If you skip the entire day, just take two pills the next.  NO BACKUP CONTRACEPTION IS NECESSARY.  That means -- to me at least -- that the pill's efficacy rating is NOT that drastically reduced, and there is no need to worry.

    As far as I'm concerned, two hours is absolutely NOTHING to worry about.  

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