
How late is too late?

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We are having a discussion about this at work, and I cant seem to find a good answer on Google..

Does anyone know how late is too late for your period? I know it is common to be a little irregular and be a few days late, but what about when it gets to being a week or so late?

Basically, how long should you wait before taking a pregnancy test?




  1. hi

    ok im havin a strange issue here with the same thing

    but i am now 9 weeks late my period ... not pregnant not anorexic haven had a huge weight loss and not anemic...

    i have tested since the day i was late my period which was the 17th of april and there is nothing i have spent so much money on hpt'sand doctors and emergency rooms

    it all depends on ur body i think

  2. You can take a test up to 5 days before your period is due...go to the store and get the Clear Blue Easy first response test...up to 5 days before your period...good luck!

  3. If you have a logical reason to think that you might be pregnant take a test the day you're late.  That's enough time for HCG to build up in your body.

    Being late, or skipping complete cycles even doesn't have to mean anything at all though.  Women's bodies don't cycle like clockwork and can do strange things for no reason at all.

  4. If you are a week off...take a test...After that long, your mind will be totally focused on this and if your not pregnant, you can really freak yourself out about it. I was once 2 weeks late.....boy did I freak and stress out! and then BAM major flow...ugg...but it was a wonderful thing cuz i didnt wanna be pregnant. But the next time i was late, I picked up a test and it was negative, so I just waited and yep, another doozy.. but the last time was positive but no stress involved finding out, cuz I took a test to see.

  5. maybe a week or less once you start to noitce some diffrences...;...
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