
How late is too late to exercise?

by  |  earlier

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hi. just some quick advice please. i have a baby, and also work, so its very hard for me to make time to exercise.

for the last 2 weeks, ive been using the treadmill on full incline to tone my legs. i wake up at 8am everyday but dont get to exercise till 8pm at night. i then go sleep about 4 hours later.

i know that everyone says the best time to work out is the morning. so i was just wondering, am i wasting my time exercising so late? or will i still see the difference?

thankyou for taking the time to reply.




  1. Hello, the only reason you were told about excercising at night, is that excercise is a stimulant and you might have difficulty falling asleep. You just had a baby, so you are allowed to excercise when you find the time, and I'm certain you have no problem falling asleep. So if you want to excercise at 8am or 8pm or even 2 am you will reap the benefits.  Don't look at the clock!!

  2. Some experts indicate that between 4pm & 6pm is the best time to exercise.  All exercise should of course be moderate and matched with a healthy balanced diet.

    Try doing some gentle exercising (pilates etc) when the baby is napping.

  3. Exercise does not have to be on a treadmill or at a gym. If your timetable restricts you then walking is the perfect start as long as it is brisk and it something you do all the time anyway. The baby can go too!!    

  4. Any exercise is better than none, 8pm is fine, I bodybuild and whilst i go in my lunch hour, i know many who train at 8pm and are very well built.

  5. It would be better to exercise in the morning because if you exercise at night it makes your body stimulated and it makes it harder to sleep but any exercise is good so keep at it.

  6. never 2 late

  7. Your not in an ideal position to do serious exercise there so maybe you should try some ankle and wrist weights while you go to work.

    It's true that working out in the morning is best but for me I never feel like exercising in the morning and always do it later in the day.

    I think if you have more resolve to workout in the evening than in the morning then your going to put more effort into it and it will be more beneficial.

  8. I do not think that there is a difference. I just think people say exercising in the morning is better because it gets your metabolism high for the rest of the day so it will help you burn more calories throughout the rest of the day. On the other hand, if you exercise at night and go to sleep right after, you won't be burning so many calories when you're lying down and sleeping. Haha, but since you don't go to sleep until 4 hours after, I'm sure it's okay to exercise at 8pm.

    Since it's summer time for me, I usually stay up until past 12am and I still exercise then! :p  

  9. No difference at all. I work out in the evening

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