
How late should you let children 8-12 stay up on a school night?

by Guest32461  |  earlier

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Well school is about to start and I am a little nice when it comes to kids so I have a problem setting tight guide lines how would you deal with this?




  1. At night don't let your kids to  do their  activities till 11 O'clock.

    you shuold wake them up before 6 O'clock.

  2. When I was 8-10 my bed time was 9:30. Then in middle school I didn't have to be to bed until ten. Now in high school, bed time is when homework is done.

  3. I just recently looked this question up and the website I went to said that children at this age need about 10 hours of sleep a night.  I think parents do not realize how important sleep is for their children.  When my students come in who have not had enough sleep, they have behavior problems and trouble learning what is being taught. Please put your children to bed, they will have a much better day!

  4. My girls 7 & 10 are in bed by 9

  5. Well this is what my father did for me and it worked and gave me enough energy for the day ahead.

    I had to be in bed by 10 with the lights out but still could watch tv until 11 thats when my dad would come and turn the TV off by then i was sleep anyways.

  6. 10 - 10:30 latest. then again my little brother is 10 and he goes to bed from 11 to 2 in the morning. so don't be like my parents and let your kids sleep.

  7. I would say you should make sure they can get 9 hours of sleep every night. When they go to bed depends on when they have to get up in the morning.

  8. well i usually sleep REALLY late but they should usually sleep around 10 - 11. it depends what time they wake up for the full 8-9 hrs of sleep. so, yeah around 10 - 11.

  9. Well this all depends on what time they have to wake up. It doesn't really matter when they sleep as long as they get at LEAST 12-14hours of sleep a day. Children at this ages are still growing and must get this amount of sleep in order for optimal growth and development.

    You can actually spot a pattern, babies have to sleep 20hrs, 4yr olds sleep 18 hours... 6 sleep 16hrs... etc etc. Right up to when they are 16 where they sleep 9hrs and finally 20, where they only need 8hrs.


  10. AT LEAST 9 hrs.

    So. if they wake up at 6, sleep by 9-10

    If they wake up at 5, sleep by 9

    If they wake up at 7, sleep 10-11

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