
How likely are you to take the house in a casino?

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What is the percentage of people who walk out with more money than they walk in with?




  1. Less than 1% actually win big.This is because of two factors.

    1)The odds on all games are in favor of the house.

    2)Most gamblers dont like to stop a winning streak and will continue to gamble even though they begin losing.

  2. I couldn't tell you the exact percentage, but a lot more people lose than win. Even those that start off winning often don't leave with it because they stay and play it back

  3. An exact number probibly coudl not be provided without actually taking sample from an actual casino sicne variable include the game being played and how they are played.

    some games have big pay out scarcely and small losses regularly, other games have the same sized wins and losses only slightly offset from 50% for each.

    Wins are not actually as uncommon as most people make them out to be, casinos need their patrons to come back ona a regular basis, so wins have to happen with a regular degree of frequency.   The house has the advanatge so losses will always outnumber and outweight wins, but wins are expected and will occur.

    The casinos have tens of thousands of bets happening every second, so they fall very close to the hosue edge at the end of the operating day, however individual players place bets one at a time, and may not even fall victim to the hosue edge in their lifetime since their play is so limited. though more peopel will than wont, its is not entirely impossible nor very unlikely that somebody coudl gamble their whoel life and never lose money if they are playing good games.


    In the game of blackjack players will lose about 55% of the time and win about 45% of the time.   they will lose more often if the dont play ideally


    Then theres betting systems, betting system can shift the odds of a "NET" win and a "NET" loss in such a  manor that for every session you play, you will actually be more likely to have a net win than a net loss, the catch is that your individual session losses will be astronomically larger than your individual session wins, so while you will have more winnign sessions than losing sessions, the losing sessions will be so large that they will wipe out all of your smaller winning sessions and the hosue edge will still prevail.

    lots of variables and angles of views for this question, i dont think you will find a solid numbe ranswer for this but i hope this info helped.

  4. I'll give you a hint about Casinos:

    Years ago Ramada owned, operated and/or franchised hundreds of hotels and motels.   They also owned a chain of restaurants called Marie Calendars Pie Shops.  In addition they owned exactly TWO casinos.   The two casinos provided 90% of the revenue for the company so they decided to spin off everything else and keep just the two casinos (Tropicanna and Tropworld - the new company was called Aztar).

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