
How likely do you think it is to see cyborgs become a real thing in your lifetime?

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Cyborgs - an organism that has both artificial and natural systems. Think: Bicentennial Man, Replicants, The Borg, AI.




  1., I don't think it's very likely, IMO.

  2. Very likely i would say because what we see in movies are extension of our dreams....also when scientists says they want to create something like that , most of the time the technology is already in place just not public, only but surely and gradually it's introduced to us as the latest gadget ...when they say ''we want to clone humans..they probably have already done it!''

  3. Implantable technologies are becoming increasingly common.   In my opinion it is already happening.  If you are looking for a detailed scientific opinion, try picking up a book by Ray Kurzweil.

  4. hahahahahahha.

  5. I'd say extremely likely, assuming we don't destroy civilization first.

  6. They've been around for over a decade now.  Haven't you ever seen a person with an anima-tronic replacement arm/hand?  Heart pacemaker? There are literally thousands of real cyborgs around today.

  7. very likely my penile system is technically considered cyborg

  8. I am a cyborg.

  9. i think it'll probably happen within our lifetime.

  10. they are already out there not that advance yet but they have them now

  11. Well, now, that all depends on SkyNet, doesn't it?

  12. totally ZERO

  13. i think they were already created, remember, they DID clone a lamb, but with that they have to take a lot of religious c**p

  14. Well technically, cyborgs already do exist to some degree, with artificial hearts and such. However, I think you mean like, robot arms and stuff. (I'm a big fan for drawing cyborg demons when I'm bored in school :D)

    I think it's very likely that we will have that technology withing the next 30 years.

  15. Likely become a real thing? They are real... already.

    Many people, my own mother included have parts that are not biological. They are electrical and/or mechanical.

    My mother has an implant that stimulates muscle contraction and relaxation. Some people have implanted teeth, artificial bones, and plates in the skulls.

    These are just a small example of how 'cyborg' we have already become.

  16. They already exist, although in very limited form. But, artificial limbs have already crossed the line into cybernetics. We are living in the future already.

    I know what you are talking about. People who are part human, part robot, or robots that are indistinguishable from humans. Humanoid robots are being built in Japan and they are getting better and more life-like every year. And just last year a new prosthetic limb was unveiled that is controlled by the subjects own nervous system. The recipient actually got surgury to modify their nerves to integrate their body with the machine. It was really amazing.

  17. Very likely.

    Cool to have a cyborg friends.

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