This girl I know, who I'm sort of friends with - I say "sort of" because she seems to lie for attention quite a bit- says she has lung cancer. She's only 15 though...she says she smokes, although I don't doubt that too much because her voice is quite raspy.
I met her at a conference and on the last night she told a bunch of us (we were in groups) and everyone felt so bad. But I couldn't help thinking how convenient that she found out today, the last night (meaning she'll never see us again, probably). Plus she seemed pretty calm and she didn't show any sign of being upset or sad (ironic that we were crying and she wasn't). I'm really not trying to make it seem as if she is lying, because for all I know, she really does have lung cancer. But I also heard that when someone gets news of having a disease, they're usually not about to tell EVERYONE, they prefer to hide it from people, but the girl just ended up telling everyone everything. To me it seemed possible she was just having one more chance at getting attention, but I'm not sure.
Do you guys think she's telling the truth?