
How likely is it for me to see action being in marine infantry?

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How likely is it for me to see action being in marine infantry?




  1. Rule of thumb for any branch, from what I have seen, if you are in for three years, 50-50. Four years, 75% chance, and any longer than that, 100%, no matter what branch, national guard, or reserves.

  2. As an active duty serviceman, you may be assigned to a variety of posts throughout the world.And action is what all marines want. There are no medals in peacetime, but more important, service to the country is service to your family, friends, citizens, and the security of our freedoms as americans.

  3. Depends where u r, most likely not but I don't know things ain't that bad right now.

  4. i talked to the local army recruiter a little more than a week ago. my mother asked what are the odds of me going over seas. the recruiter just said everyone asks that question and he tells everyone that, if you join you will go to iraq.

    he said this because he doesnt know the odds, but the odds are pretty high.

    i know that army is a lot different but maybe it helps

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