
How likely is it that I am descended from Thomas Jefferson.?

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A cousin of mine found out that they may be descended from Thomas Jefferson. My family can trace its origins to several prominent families in Virginia and elsewhere. I have always been interested in American and Presidential history and Thomas Jefferson has always been one of my favorite figures to study.




  1. Very unlikely.

  2. Anything is possible, look into it a bit further..

  3. About as likely as it is that I am descended from Ghengis Khan !

  4. It's very possible.  Theodore Roosevelt is my 4th cousin, 4 times removed.

  5. 50 out of 100 chance

  6. Thomas Jefferson actually had quite a lot of affairs with various slaves, and so his DNA has actually been traced to a surprising amount of African-Americans today.

    Fun fact, I guess.

  7. highly unlickley But its is extreamly complicatesd probablity as it is efffected my mumerous factors such as were you live weere you parents are from were parents have traveld and so on...but it istnt immposible

  8. It's very likable. Robert E Lee (the Civil War Hero) is my great great great great grandfather... so.. it's possible!

  9. Very hard to prove, since that is several generations ago, but maybe is you do some more comprehensive work you may be. That would be awesome dude. Maybe you are! (Maybe you'll inherit money)

  10. I don't know what you mean by "how likely is it" but you may have descended from Thomas Jefferson, I mean who knows? But even if you did it's probably too far down the line to even count. And then again, you may not have descended from Thomas Jefferson at all. It depends on your family, and who you're related to.

  11. if you are black, then he raped your great great great grandmother, making it very  VERY likely that you are his love child.

  12. "Descended" can be a very broad description.


    Good grief.  No one can determine the odds that you are descended from TJ... I have a feeling many of the persons replying, have NO experience in genealogy at all.

    There are both white and black descendants from him.  In addition.. being descended from and being RELATED to, are close, but not the same.  No reason at all that either one is impossible.

    Your key is in working your own ancestry as completely as you can, to be certain WHO those ancestors of yours, are. Then, you can take his ancestry and make comparisons, to see if you actually have an ancestor in common. Having an ancestor in common will mean a relationship.

    Virginia is a very interesting area to have ancestry from. The logistics of it, IF you have family there in the 1700s, is that your family could well have crossed paths, even if he is not your direct line.

  14. ehh not veryy likely , maybe possilbe...

  15. trust me ur not him

  16. Either you join an online genealogy trace service....or, you go to the town where Jefferson was born, to the county courthouse.

    They will have all records from before Jefferson's time...births, deaths, handwritten letters, actual written history from that time.

    Not hard to trace at all.

  17. Slim and none

  18. The book "Burke's Presidential Families of the United States of America" (1975) has what looks to be a fairly complete list of Thomas Jefferson's descendants on pages 98 - 127.  (I notice birth dates as late as 1972.)

  19. uh  its a 20% chance, but u can try it out and see for urself. heres a website i used to trace my origin.

    hope that helped

  20. My husband's 9th great-grandmother was Judith Jefferson.  She was Thomas Jefferson's aunt.  His father Peter was her brother.

    To Abi:  Elvis cannot be anyone's great-great uncle because that would mean that your friend is a descendant of one of his brothers or sisters..............Elvis never had any brothers or sisters.  His twin brother died at birth.  Other than that, Elvis was an only child.  By the way, Elvis is my husband's 8th cousin.

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