
How likely is it that Nuclear Attack could happen?

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How likely do you think it is it that a Nuclear Attack could happen any where in the world within the next 20 years? If so, where do you think it would happen and why?




  1. Not very - the Super Powers won't permit it to happen.

  2. Nuclear Weapons are more than 60 years old, they are old-out dated weapons and military has already created weapons far more effective than a traditional hydrogen bomb.

    I think it is pretty likely in the next 20 years a terrorist gets their hand on a nuke, especially with rogue nations like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lybia, etc.

    If it does happen, I think it would happen in the middle east probably Israel

  3. Unlikely. The nuclear bomb is an outdated weapon. Every country who has them are smart enough not to use them. If it were the case that someone would use them... Then why haven't they been used yet... Minus WW2 when no one really knew it's power.

    The most nuclear bombs are used for lately is research and defense. It is a power thing. We have X amount of the big bomb... So you're most likely not going to mess with us. Although, what we should have learned is countries attack using the size of a military, not nuclear weapon capacity as the issue.

    We have them in case someone uses them. Even in the event of a nuclear bomb being used. There is a huge possibility that there will be no retaliation with a nuclear weapon simply because... Well we all know what will happen, so do they.

    Then there is always the idea that they keep them stockpiled for a possible alien invasion. That is an idea many groups have. Alien meaning a comet, asteroid, species, whatever.

  4. unfortunately it gets more likely as time goes by.  Nations like Iran and North Korea get closer to having access to the weapon  An all out war against Israel might force Israel in desparation to play its card.  An unstable Pakistan might give terrorists an opportunity to get their greedy hands on the weapon  this conflict in Russia with Georgia  its a good thing Georgia is not a nuclear power...

  5. I think that the United States will defend itself from a nuclear attack as best as it can. I also think that since we were the first to use nuclear weapons (on Japan) we will be the last. We have a EYE IN THE SKY that is all seeing. We are the Super Power.

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