
How likely is it that The Day After Tomorrow could happen?

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Based on the movie plot and its theory that if the ice caps melt, thus putting too much fresh water into the sea, it could cause disruptions with the earth's balance... thanks!




  1. I think things like that could happen after Jesus's return during the Tribulation, aka the rapture. During the rapture, things like that could actually be a common occurance. The Bible sums up in the book of Revelation that the worst things, the worst disasters of all time will occur during this 7 year time period. When this time period begins, no one can answer that. It could be many years or it could even be today.

  2. It won't happen.  All political propaganda.

  3. Probability is close to zero-this is just not going to happen. It was a movie for entertainment purposes-not based on any facts.

  4. No chance, the movie was based on theory, the theory then was sped up in the movie.

  5. It could but in a thousand years time

  6. Earth's balance?  Science Fiction isn't any good if it doesn't make sense.

  7. It is very unlikely for such an event to occur. Its a remote chance, so I wouldn't worry about it. Its takes much more than what we are doing to shut down the Gulf Stream.

  8. well its possibly.

    Im glad the film was made im sure it nocked some sense into people and i loved the film.

    if it does happen it should'nt happen in our lifetime.

  9. That's the paradoxical scenario gaining credibility among many climate scientists. The thawing of sea ice covering the Arctic could disturb or even halt large currents in the Atlantic Ocean. Without the vast heat that these ocean currents deliver--comparable to the power generation of a million nuclear power plants--Europe's average temperature would likely drop 5 to 10°C (9 to 18°F), and parts of eastern North America would be chilled somewhat less. Such a dip in temperature would be similar to global average temperatures toward the end of the last ice age roughly 20,000 years ago.

  10. The movie is based on a theory that global warming and melting ice-caps would result in the shutting down of the Gulf Stream, which transports warmer water northward in the Atlantic Ocean.  If this actually were to happen, the hypothesis is that it could induce a period of global cooling, even ushering in a new ice age.  The movie, basically takes this theory to the extreme, suggesting that such climate change could take place within only a few days.  The theory that the Gulf Stream could shut down is not completely unrealistic, and many scientist do believe it is possible...but the process would be much more gradual than is shown in the movie, happening over the period of several years as opposed to a few days.

  11. Not very likely. It's a shite film that's not realistic at all.

  12. not very possible

    its just a movie

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