
How likely is it that someone could get bitten by a shark?

by  |  earlier

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cause for some reason, im deathly afraid of the ocean since i took a ride in a helicopter along the coast and saw all these sharks in the shallow part. like im talking maybe waste deep. it was hard to tell from how high up i was, but it wasnt too far away from the shore.




  1. I think possibility is really low unless peole attack first.

    U just suupse to stay calm and not do any attention grabbinf moves in case of being next to a shark

    but I hope No one will be

  2. Just wear a Neptunic sharksuit when you go in the ocean:

    Its really hot, here's the women's version:

  3. Your chance is  about one in every 3,748,067 people get killed by a shark every year. However, thousands of sharks are killed by people every year.

    Sharks are less likely to attack if there's a lot of people because it becomes difficult for them to attack one single being.

    It's always good to be cautious though, so follow some of these tips:

    -don't go where there is a lot of little fish because big fish might be eating them and in turn have sharks around

    -don't wear shiny stuff because sharks may think it's fish scales

    -if you're bleeding (obviously) don't enter. but check regularly for small cuts from rocks/sand because salt water sooths pain so you might not notice

    -always go to the beach and either hang out with the big crowd in shallow water or if you go out further go with some buddies so if anything happens they can get help (or the other way around)

    -watch out when boogie boarding or surfing because from below it might look like a seal's body

    -if you are attacked, hit the shark's eyes and gills if you can

    You're more likely to die from a bike accident or lighting, so don't worry.

    Have fun at the beach!

  4. 3x more likely do get struck by lightning than getting attacked by a shark

  5. The chance that you'll get attacked is 1 in 13 million, very small chance, so don't worry too much about it.

    Just use common sense, and don't do anything stupid.

    Statistically, you're more likely to get struck by lightning, get hit on the head by a coconut, get stung by a bee, die in a car crash, etc.

  6. lol more people per year...

    get struck by lighting,

    die via falling coconuts

    and fall victim to fatal ostrich attacks..

    than get attacked by a shark

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