
How logn should i keep my 1 day contacts in?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I wear 1 day contacts but wear them while i sleep, 4 5 or even days at a time.. they dont bother me in the least.. my eyes are fine.. never red, you wouldn't even know i had them in.. My question is.. what risk's do I run and what's the chance of somthing going wrong?




  1. 1 day, no overnights. You run the serious risk of hypoxia, corneal edema, infections, ripped contacts etc

  2. um...1 day

  3. " what's the chance of somthing going wrong?"


    You will be costing your eyes endothelial cells already, and you never replace those.  You have millions of spares, so you can go for years seemingly with no problems, until later in life you may find out what you've stored up for yourself.

    From an inability to wear contacts any more  (corneal exhaustion syndrome) through to permanently cloudy painful corneas.

    You are also running increased risks of corneal infections and allergies, with anything from inconvenience and red eyes to permanent corneal scarring as a result.

    Yes, you could get away with it for years.  Many try to, and report "I've never noticed any problems."

    You can also save money by driving on old, bald, tyres, and get away with it right up to the moment when you don't.

  4. its not good for your eyes. Contacts can weaken the outer part of the eye and wont be able to get laser surgery later. Also i heard on the radio that this man had his on for 2 years and it wont come out. So he had to get surgery and almost became blind. Your eyes also need some oxygen.


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