
How long, after planting a germinated-seed, before you see growth above the ground?

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How long, after planting a germinated-seed, before you see growth above the ground?




  1. What I am addressing is the fact that you say you have in your possession a GERMINATED seed. A plantlet in this state is highly at risk and must be handled with swift care. There is a matter of drying out, too much moisture, and mishandling of the delicate structure you are now facing.

    Once you get the living critter safely transferred to an appropriately sized container with soil filled to the appropriate level, covered over correctly, and watered just enough but not too much,  the growing process really should commence shortly, and some sort of emergence should occur within a week or two, depending on species. The fact that germination has occurred means that the plant is ready and eager to grow. However, I want to repeat that the plant is in a very tender and vulnerable position at this point. Damping- off due to excess moisture and lack of circulation, drying out, too-deep or too-shallow planting, all can result in the death of the newly born.

    Remember, you asked about the planting of an ALREADY germinated seed. An ungerminated seed is a horse of a different color.

  2. Depends on the seed. All seed packages have this information printed on them. If you no longer have the package do a search of the plant on your search engine.

  3. that depends on the seed.  some take a lot longer to germinate than others.  usually it takes just a few days, but some can take weeks.

  4. germination also depends a lot on soil temperature.

    No seed germinates in soil temperatures that are less than 40 degrees, with the ideal being 60-70 degrees.

    if you want to check the seed to see if it's still fresh you can put a small amount between two wet paper towels. fold the towels and put them in a sealed plastic bag in a warm area (like on top of a water heater). check after 48 hours and see if the seeds have sprouted.

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