
How long, on average, does it take to ovulate after a miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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I had an incomplete miscarriage and D&E in Feb. 2008 and after 1 cycle I was pregnant again! Sadly, I miscarried again due to low progesterone levels (that is my docs theory bc I have no other health issues that they can find) in May. I have had 3 cycles since the second miscarriage and cannot get pregnant. I think I have not ovulated yet (no symptoms or + OPKs).

I was thinking that I had the D&E after the first one and basically started from scratch so I got pregnant so quickly but perhaps my body is still adjusting after this second one (no D&E) so it is not ready to be pregnant.

I am hoping that my frustration (been ttc for 15 months) is not clouding my logic here. Any thoughts?

Also, on average, how long or what is the range of time does it take to ovulate again after a miscarriage? I cannot find much info on this...

Serious answers only, please!





  1. well i had a miscarriage in december of 2005 and i got pregnant again with my son bryson in February so i think it probably depends on your own person cycle because after you have had an actual delivery it could take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to ovulate again just depending on your body so.. what i would do is buy one of those ovulation packs it comes with like 20 just do one of those during the next couple of weeks and just see what happens that's really all you can do.. best of luck to you

  2. hi sorry for your losses , i had a m/c in september and it took me ill febuary to get pregnant again i then m/c in april at 8weeks and found out i was pregnant 4weeks later im now 17weeks i had no d&c with any but some people are difrent a gil i no lost her baby the same time as me in april the same day and she hasnt fell pregnant again since and shes been trying like mad so im not sure but i would defo g the doctors and tell them you think your not ovulatein as they can give you something to help you ovulate good luck xx

  3. I feel for you, having a miscarriage is really difficult to deal with emotionally, and having two of them can be really hard.  

    My wife had a miscarriage & D&C with her first pregnancy at 13 weeks and the doctor told her to wait 8-12 weeks before trying to get pregnant again.  

    She had her first period 6 weeks after the miscarriage.

    She had an underactive thyroid, too - which was probably the cause of the miscarriage.

    She went on medication for the thyroid, and kept taking pre-natal vitamins (should take those 2-3 months before getting pregnant to build them up in your body).

    Luckily, we got pregnant again 3 months after the miscarriage, and we now have a beautiful 12 week old daughter.

    So hang in there, I know it feels like you will never have a "normal" pregnancy but YOU WILL.  

    God Bless and good luck.



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