
How long Can you stay in the 75th Ranger Rgt?

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If your a 25 series MOS (Signal) how long can you stay in the 75th Ranger Regiment before Transitioning back to the Regular Army?




  1. As long as your squared away and doing the right thing, know everything you're supposed to know, and keep up with PT, they'll keep you as long as they can.

    I'm not sure about for Signal, but if you're Infantry and fail to get your Ranger Tab while in the 75th, well .. you won't be there for long.

  2. You can stay as long as there is a slot for you.

    IE: as you get promoted, you would have to fill a slot, for your new rank.

    At some point, you will be promoted and there will be no open slots, for your mos and rank, then you go somewhere else.

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