
How long FOR the passport to come back?

by  |  earlier

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so iam trying to say thayt ihave a passport from my country where i was born

now i live in the us and i am not a citizen yet and now i want to go to my country for summer vacation but my passport is expired

if i go to the counsel and do everything she say or he say how long will it take for the new Extended Expiration date passport to to come back so i can go for vacation




  1. Go to your country's consulate or website and renew, mine was already expired for a year and it only took me a week to get the passport.

  2. You should always renew your passport and don't let it expire. If you do let it expire it just takes longer for the process. Go to where you got the forms for your passport and their is a website or a phone number you can call. I went on line for my friend because hers was taking long to but once I checked on line to see the status they just wanted to verify more information and after we found that out by going to the website she got her passport within 3 weeks.

  3. 90 days.

  4. mine came within a week which was surprisingly fast

  5. probably anywhere from 4-12 weeks good luck!

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