
How long TTC?

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My husband and I have been married for about 3 years and in that time I wasn't on the pill, but we didn't have s*x very often. I have a very regular cycle and I always avoided s*x the whole week leading up to ovulation. Last month was our first month trying. We used OPKs and had s*x every day. Unfortunately, it wasn't our month. We are both 26, how long should we expect to wait? Any advice would be very appreciated.




  1. Hubby and I have been TTC for 10 months since a miscarriage that took place exactly 12 months ago.

    The important thing to know is it takes time and even healthy couples can take up to a year to conceive.

    It does get frustrating to try and try and try and have multiple failed attempts even when you think you've done everything just right. The most important thing is to remember that we don't have complete control over the matter and it's in someone else's hands.

    An important thing my husband told me is not to look at each month as a failed attempt but to look forward to the next chance.

    TTC can be an extremely emotional draining for many couples but the one thing is to always keep hope.

    Make sure you and your hubby and healthy (eating right and exercising, taking daily vitamins) if you haven't already, you should start taking a prenatal vitamin. Cut back and even eliminate alcohol and caffeine.

    Just remember practice makes perfect...

    I wish you and your hubby lots of baby dust!!!!!!!

  2. 85% of people actively trying to conceive will achieve pregnancy within one year.  If you haven't gotten pregnant after that, it's time to talk to a doctor.  Hope this helps!

  3. My husband and I have been TTC for 8 months. Although I'm not regular and have just been diagnosed with a septum uterus. Next month I got to a fertility specialist for more "work". It's scary to think that there might be problem, but its better to know if there is, thats why we didn't wait after 6 months to go to the doctor (since I have never been regular) I am 28, my husband is 27.

  4. Don't base your TTC experience off of anyone else's. Be patient and know that even healty couples can take a while. Take prenatal vitamins regularly, cut out smoking and down on caffene. Have hubby take a men's multivitamin and eat healthy also.

    Cut down on s*x to every other day as his fluid count needs the day off seriously.

    We conceived our first within 2 months of trying, and now we're on month 8 for the second. Know that you will need patience and remain focused on one another.

  5. They say it's best to have s*x every other day, have him on top and put a pillow under your butt. After s*x, stay on your back for 15-20 minutes to allow slower "swimmers" have more time with gravity in their favor to reach the egg!!!

    Maybe TMI, but these are a few suggestions the doctor gave my friends. Good luck to you guys!

    It took us 5 months to get pregnant (he was 25, I was 23). Good luck again!

    <<HUGS>> Toni Lynne
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