
How long a wait to join Freecycle??

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know how long it might take before I hear if I've been accepted to join my local Freecycle group?




  1. i never got a reply at all from them  

  2. any yahoo group as a total of two weeks to approve memberships- some approve members right away, some don't. nothing you can do but wait.

  3. When I joined (Manchester) I was up and running within about an hour.

  4. hiya

    as a freecycle moderator, we ask prospective members to provide their home postcode, and ask whether they're members of any other freecycle groups - this is both to weed out spammers (who don't reply) and to make sure everyone's local - it is a community group, after all

    often people don't realise this (especially if they've registered with a yahoo address they never check), and despite sending out reminders, we never hear back from them!

    freecycle moderators are all volunteers, so there may also be times when none of your moderators can be online, so there may be a delay. on our group, when you respond we approve within about an hour

  5. Normally within an hour could be 24 hours

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