
How long after M/C for HPT to be negative?

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Hi, i had a m/c in the form of a d&c on 23rd July, missed m/c at 12wks, baby only measuring 8wks. I did a HPT this morning to see if my levels were back to 0 yet but it is still showing up as positive. I know i am not pregnant again as the 1st date i had s*x after m/c was 3rd of August so it wouldn't be showing up yet, i am just wondering how long it takes to go back to 0.

I had a previous m/c at 5wks and it was down within the week.

Thanks in advance




  1. Its different the further on you are, as your HCG levels peak at 8 weeks something like 256,000+ in order to get a negative HPT the hormone levels have to be less than 40. I only know this as i have had 1 ectopic and 1 MC both at 6w4days, and when i was having bloods done every other day they were dropping, both times when i got down to 70, my bleed began a few days later.

    Really sorry to hear about what happened, i know how c**p it is. It will happen for you. after my Ectopic, i thought it wouldn't happen again, then i had a MC the next time, and it really got me down. I am now 14 weeks 1 day pregnant and everything is fine.

    Make sure when you do get pregnant again, you request an early scan to check all is ok. I also requested bloods at 5 weeks to check my levels were high enough. Good luck x  

  2. The further along you are, the longer it will take.  Since it was a missed miscarriage, your HCG levels continued to rise until the D and C was done.  It may take a few more weeks.  I had the same procedure done on 7/24 and just got my period back a couple of days ago, but my missed miscarriage was discovered at 9 weeks and the baby had passed around 6 weeks, so it didn't take as long.  I'm sorry for your loss.  Good luck in the future.  

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