
How long after Obama becomes president will it take for the country to collapse into ruin?

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How long after Obama becomes president will it take for the country to collapse into ruin?




  1. If we don't solve this energy problem, it's going to happen soon enough. The problem with Obama is he's against any of the practical ideas out there.

  2. osama bin laden made an operation and changed his name now his name is Barack Osama. and when he will be president he will nuke america!!!

  3. I have a better question.. How great would America become if we could get rid of gang bangers, crooked cops and racist white trash morons?

  4. Very similar to the Great Depression. A world Boom followed by bank failures and then the government passed Protectionist policies.

  5. it wont happen.dont ask silly loaded questions.

  6. We will have to start from scratch after eight years of Obama to get back on our President Bush's track, so it will take quite a few years for us to do that.

  7. It won't happen on his watch.  He'll have to clean up Bush's mess. McCain certainly wouldn't do it.  He has the same ill-fated policy positions.

  8. We have bee headed downhill for quite sometime.  Obama is just going to get us to the bottom faster.  None of the presidential hopefuls are promising.  We need to demand real change the next go around.

  9. Oh, get real. bush has already ruined America and the whole world knows it.

    Pretty transparent attempt to shift blame, by the way.

  10. Right after the race war starts, not long.

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