
How long after Obama wins will it be before they re-open the investigation into the Pentagon Plane? ?

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That fire was too small to have been made by a 757.




  1. You win it was a replica of a 757 or if you reverse it, it was a 757.

  2. You're an idiot.

  3. /sigh

  4. I would be inclined to believe that a building that was built to house the brain trust of the United States Military would be designed and built to a withstand at the very least a serious artillery attack, as opposed to a civilian 757 which is designed mainly to fly.

    The twin towers on the other hand were designed with exterior "curtain walls". In other words the panels were hung on the outside of the frame mainly to keep the wind and rain out (not airplanes).

  5. Just ask Bill Ayres

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