
How long after a miscarriage should you try again?

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Hi all, i had a miscarriage on Mon/Tues of last week. I was 5 weeks pregnant at the time. Firstly how long does it take for your hcg level to return to normal? I'm still currently getting bfp even now 8 days after miscarriage. Also, how long after a miscarriage should you start trying to get pregnant again? My doc is kinda old school and i didnt feel comfortable asking him questions like that. Thanks in advance for your answers and lots of baby dust to us all




  1. Sorry for your loss as well.  I had a M/C July 25th.  I had a follow up appointment with my doctor the following week.  He did another sonogram to make sure all tissue was gone.  Also checked my HCG levels.  I had a blighted ovum, so once the gestational sac was expelled, my levels were already down to zero.  Once the bleeding stopped, we were given the green light to start TTC again.  I finally had a positive OPK this past Friday, about 22 days after the M/C.  Have you had the levels checked again?  I think once they are back to  zero, you should be able to start again.  

  2. i tested positive on a normal home pregnancy test for 15weeks!!!! after my miscarriage

    i started trying again straight away, you can try when ever YOU feel ready

    some people say there are reasons why you cant try again and if you do get pregnant straight away you will miscarry again, but its not true, your body does need time to settle back down ofcourse but getting pregnant again will not damage you or the baby in anyways

    my sister miscarried at 7weeks and got pregnant within 5days, she now has a very healthy baby boy, hes soooooooo cute :)

  3. every dr. will tell you something different anywhere from a couple months to a year.  when i misscarried my twins at 24 weeks i went back for my check up about 3 mos. later i was pregnant with my son and he was born healthy. But also if you dont feel comfortable asking q's like that with your dr then get a new dr you do feel comfortable talking to

  4. If you don't feel comfortable asking your OB questions then you should get a new one.  You should never be uncomfortable in asking your concerns.  I had a miscarriage in 06 and my doctor said to wait 5-6 months.

  5. sorry to hear about your loss - i know exactly what you are going through.

    Every women is different but in my case I bleed for 8 weeks before the doctors gave me a d & c (if you are bleeding for more then 4 weeks you should demand to have a d & c perform... because you can get an infection can create scar tissue on your uterus which in the long run can give you problem conceiving after). After my d & c i bleed for 2 days and it stopped and i got my first period 18 days later on June 28 (the average of getting your period after an miscarriage is 2 - 6weeks)...since the miscarriage my cycle has been out of whack... longer cycles and alot heavier. So I have been using OPK to help me understand my new cycle and to help figure out when i'm ovulating.

    Most doctors recommend that you have 2 - 3 regular cycles before trying again but my family doctor is the greatest!!! informed me that waiting 2 - 3 months is just to help them (the doctors) figure out the estimated due date, etc. but  he told me to start trying again as soon as I felt emotionally ready. he said that is all the counts.

    The odds of having a miscarriage is 1 out 4... but the odds of having another miscarraige in a row is pretty slim... so good luck to you. and i hope i helped you out. Just continue taking your multi-vitamins and folic acid.

  6. (can you please explain bfp)

    I was told the next month or after that. I didn't need a D&C because I was only just under 7 weeks, and nature took care of it for me, my hCG has droped now under 10. Your hCG will also drop, are you getting regular blood test, what did your hCG get up to???

    Baby dust to you

  7. Sorry about your loss... My husband and I miscaried twins last September. I was 9 weeks pregnant.  After the sonnogram/ultrasound and Hcg blood levels were 0,  the Ob/gyn did an internal exam and internal ultraound two make sure everything had been expelled and I did not need a D and C We were given the grren light to go again.  That was about 6 weeks after the miscarriage.  In fact, he told me that the best time to conceive is after a miscarriage.  My husband and I have been trying now since the middle of october and we still have not conceived.  But we keep hoping and praying for it to happen.

  8. Again, so sorry for your loss hun, I know how excited you were!!!!  Anyhow, I had my miscarriage March 7th, all natural.  I only bled for a week, if you include spotting.  Then I didn't get my period again until April 16th.  We officially started trying after that first period because then I knew my body was functioning properly again.  I have been using opk's for the last 4 months and the first 2 after the miscarriage, my ovulation and cycle lengths were a little erratic.  Then last month and this month I'm back on a perfect 28 day cycle, ovulation on cd14 (textbook isn't it?).  So MY advice (not a dr, just personal experience) is that you wait until you've had your first period, then actively start trying again and use opk's because your cycles could be a little off for awhile!!  however, I did not try and prevent pregnancy while waiting for my first period and obviously it didn't happen then as it still hasn't, currently in the 2ww of cycle #5.  Whatever you decide to do I wish you all the best and tons of sticky baby dust!!

    Oh and something my dr told me is that the reason so many dr's tell you to wait 3 cycles is so that when you get pregnant it's easier to determine due dates, not necessarily for medical reasons!

  9. Hi, you can wait for about at least 3 mths in order to regain your vitality before you ever embark on another pregnancy. Take more tonics during this period especially. Alternatively, if you need more info about getting yourself pregnant in a safe and effective way, you can refer to the below website. It's indeed an enriching website and a one-stop information provider for all mother wannabes. Good luck!

  10. Hi,

    TTC for nearly a hyear now and I had a miscarriage in April, I had a scan to check all the tissue had come away ok (i was only 5 weeks mind), the doctor at the hospital said 3 months so you emotionally settle and so that your body gets back to normal. However my GP told me that straight away is fine as long as you are ready emotionally to.

    Sorry to hear your lose, it is hard but there is good reason usually that your body micarries that early on.

    Good luck and baby dust x

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