
How long after a sapcr is filed, does it take to recieve a court date?

by  |  earlier

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My lawyer filed for a court date to get child support and settle visitation rights, this was done on or around Aug 1st., it's now the 21st and Im getting a little impatient...




  1. Ask your attorney.

    In general, any citation necessary would take a day or more to serve on the respondent.  The defendant would have 20 to 30 days in which to file a written answer, depending on the jurisdiction.  When the answer is filed, either party would then ask the court administrator for a hearing or trial date and mail a notice to the other party.

    I general, a motion or petition filed on August 1 would have a hearing date in September or October.  In some courts with a very heavy docket, it could be later.

    Again, ask your lawyer.

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