
How long after being diagnosed with chlamydia can we try for a baby?

by  |  earlier

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i have only been with three people in my life. The person i have been with the longest (4 yrs) i am now back with. I was diagnoised with chlamydia around two weeks ago and was given the antibiotic zithromax (i think thats how u spell it) to get rid of it. How long will the antibiotic take to get rid of the infection? and i am worried this infection may cause me to become infertile. When should i go back for a retest to see if i still have chlamydia? what tests can i ask for to check my fertility? how long until i can try for a baby? what can i do or take to increase my chances of becoming pregnant. considering my age (21) and my mums history of failed pregnancies is there a chance i could lose a baby? i just want to be as safe and as healthy as possible if wanting to get pregnant.




  1. You should be fine.  The only way it could make you infertile is if you waited too long to get treated.  The zithromax should clear it up within about a week.  I would wait about a month and go back for a retest to be sure it cleared it up properly.  As for becoming pregnant, it won't have an effect on your baby :)

  2. Take ALL of the medication, and have at least one period.

    He should probably take meds as well, given that he is the one that gave it to you.

  3. it should go away in 7 days the doc probley told you not to have s*x for a week and after two weeks you should get retested to make sure the infection is gone you usually have to have the infection for many years to become fertile so i wouldnt worry with that you should be able to get pregnant soon after the infection is gone plz make sure to be careful when you do get pregnant because all std can harm he baby is go untreated hope this helps good luck

  4. It really depends on how long you had it and how much damage it could have caused over that time. Take all of your medication and once you're done, schedule an appointment with the doctor to check everything out. If you're clear, you should wait until you have a full cycle before you start trying again. Also while at the doctors you should tell them that you are TTC or will be in the future, this way they can let you know everything you need to do (Expecially after a STD) in order to have a healthy pregnancy. Good luck and baby dust!

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