
How long after birth control?

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How long after getting off of birth control (the pill) did you get a regular period?

I've been on different methods of birth control for 6 years. Pill, patch, pill again, depo, then finally the pill. Its been two years since Depo so it should not be in my system anymore. Pill for two years.

My husband and I are TTC. We tried for three weeks before he got sent off for duty (I know it hasn't been very long) and my period is already 9 days "late" but I've gotten a blood test and it came out negative. I know I am not pregnant, but I want to know how long its going to take to get back to a normal cycle? Without ovulation you can't get pregnant, so I wanted to start keeping track of ovulation and mp but I can't if I am not even getting a period.




  1. It took my body about a year... my sister-in-law got pregnant 1 month after stopping the pill....  everyone is different.

  2. I was in your shoe too. It took me about 2 years, but I tried so many herbs that my grandparents gave me, that might of help my menstrual cycle come back. I've been on my menstrual for only two months now after 2 years of abnormal cycle. Everyone is saying that it's probably the birth control stuff. I believe it too. It's probably gonna take a while before your body becomes normal again.  

  3. It took a couple months to get a regular cycle for me. I still got a period every month after I stopped the pill but my cycles varried between 25-31 days so it was kind of hard to predict ovulation. I had been on the pill for 7 years. I actually got pregnant in my 4th cycle after being off the pill. I stopped the pill March 19th and found out I was pregnant on July 10th. So it didn't take me too long, but everyone is different. Good luck to you!!

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