
How long after childbirth did you wait to have s*x?

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Its been 3 weeks and 4 days since I've had our daughter and the doc said about 5 weeks to wait for s*x. I tore a little but only required 2 stitches. Everything feels okay down there. Did anyone ever try it earlier than 5-6 weeks?




  1. I was stitched front to back (it took a full half hour to stitch me up- i had an episitomy and he still tore me even more, my babys big head!) and I waited 5 weeks. I tore a tiny bit the first time I had s*x again. Everyone around met old me it would be so painful for the first time and it barely hurt. Although I was somewhat sore, after the deed was done.

  2. It would be best to wait until your doctor says it's okay.  Until then... play around.  There's other ways to be intimate and have fun without penetration.

  3. 4 weeks- i went aigaint the doc's advice and nothing bad happened.  only it took two months before everything was "back in place."

  4. You need to wait the full 5-6 weeks to let yourself heal.  It will be very tender.  I'm glad that I waited 6 weeks, as even then it was still tender.

  5. i would wait at least 4 weeks, we were told a month  and couldnt wait to get goin again! I would be careful though one of my best friends didn't tear and at and was feeling ready to go about 2 weeks after she had her daughter so her and her boyfriend went ahead and tried it...she ended up getting really bad cramping in her lower pelvic area and started bleeding real bad again.  Also, you are very susseptable (wow I know I spelled that one wrong!) to getting pregnant again right away so make sure he wraps up..or use some form of BC..good luck!  


  7. you really should wait. Things are still very tender inside and it's not good risking your healing process. Congrats on your new baby!!!

  8. Well its been 4 weeks and 2 days for me and I feel the same way you do... I have heard that as long as you are not bleeding anymore and you feel you are ready to go for it... I am still bleeding a little bit that is the only thing holding me back... I have heard you might want to use some lube and just go slow... other than that sounds like you are ready. congrats on the baby!

  9. you should wait. it doesn't hurt to wait longer.

    congrats on the baby =]

  10. 6 should not have s*x until your doctor okays it in your postpartum exam!

  11. They tell you to wait not just because of the stitches and tears on the outside, but because of the large open wound in your uterus. It is best to wait as long as possible. Usually, you can still engage in foreplay if you are comfortable, just no penetration.

  12. 6 weeks!

  13. i had anal s*x at about 3 weeks and vaginal s*x at 7 weeks 4 days post delivery, but i had about 1/2nd degree internal tearing and s*x was not that good actually, very tender and everything ampliefied in a not good way

  14. I had to wait for 8 weeks to have s*x ,because I had a c-section.

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