
How long after delivery did you wait to drive?

by  |  earlier

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My dr. said wait 2 weeks, it's been 9 days and I really need to run some errands....




  1. I didn't drive for 1 week with my first (only because she was getting too hot in my apt) - second waited 2 weeks to even leave the house (had baby at home)

  2. you should be fine to drive then unless you've had a c-section.

  3. Depends on how you delivered.  If by c section you may want to wait.  Otherwise you should be fine.  Just drive carefully.  I had my son, he had to stay in the NICU.. and I drove to the hospital at least 2 or 3 times a day from 2 days after having him.  Congratulations on your new baby and best wishes.

  4. I had my daughter on a Friday and I was running errands that Monday.  I don't think my doctor ever told me that I couldn't drive.

  5. i can't remember, honestly, but it was probably about the week mark.

  6. i don't remember when my doctor told me it would be okay to drive, but i know with both of my kids i was driving the day i left the hospital and everything was okay. my first child was 3 days old when i drove and my second was 2 days old when i drove. i wasn't on pain killers or anything and i didn't have a c-section though, i'm sure that would make a difference in how soon you could drive. you can always phone your doctor and ask them just to be on the safe side. good luck to you!

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