
How long after giving birth is it safe to have s*x?

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i gave birth one week ago - an am really turnt on by my partner but feel that i may damage something if i try- but i feel ready... i had no stitches (which im really proud of).. i am however still bleeding lightly.. (thats never stopped me before tho)...

should i wait till the bleeding stops?

thank you for your comments.. x




  1. I gave birth a month ago and my midwife (which "i" called at 4 weeks post partum (after giving birth) she said it was okay to have s*x as long as I didn't start bleeding again, and it didn't hurt or sting if any 3 of those things happened that I need to stop and let my body heal longer because that is signs that it didnt heal all the way yet.

    They do hope you wait 6 weeks but some of us perverts cant HA HA thats me


  2. 6 weeks

  3. Most ob/gyn's would tell you to wait 6 weeks after having a baby to engage in intercourse again. However, I have 2 children(and pregnant with my 3rd) and me and my husband only lasted 11 days after our 2nd. If you do decide to, don't don't anything rough. I personally would suggest you try missionary. Just lay there and let him do all the work. Because the last thing you want to do is to do damage to yourself.

    P.S. Congrats on the new baby!

  4. My ex had five kids in five years and after each birth I was on the nest again next day.  By invitation before any one calls me a bounder.

  5. Wait until the bleeding stops as you are still open to infection until then. Also make sure you us a condom and plenty of lube as it may hurt the first time. Other than that there arn't really any guidelines, my midwife told me the 6 week rule is a load of rubbish. With both my kids i had s*x before they were 6 weeks old!

  6. Why on earth would you want to have s*x soon after giving birth?

  7. 6-8 weeks

  8. depends when you feel ready , but if your already bleedng it will make you bleed more and may feel a little sore , make sure you use protection you can get preg so quickly again

  9. For six weeks, everything inside of you is getting back into shape. You are "turned on" right now because your hormones are all over the place. Give your body a time to properly heal wait the six weeks. Use the time you are waiting to bond with your little one.You will be fine. If you are really hot and bothered, learn some intimacies that do not involve penetration.Good luck.  

  10. If you feel ready then you are ready, just take it easy and stop straight away if it becomes sore or uncomfortable

  11. i would wait the 6 weeks as hard as it might be there is a reason why they tell you not to have s*x for 6 weeks. everything is healing and it doesn't need to be interrupted. hang in there it wont be mong b4 you can have s*x

  12. you should really wait 6 weeks until you have had your post natal examination and that way you will no that everything inside has healed.sometimes although you have not had stitches you might have had a nast graze inside.

  13. Gosh you must have a lot of energy lol. I have heard you should wait six weeks but i had s*x after two weeks with my 1st. I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with second and will wait the six weeks because i don't think i gave myself enough time to heal properly. You could cause yourself to haemorrhage or something like that so i'd wait for a while. In the meantime there are lots of intimate and safe  things you and your partner can do. Remember s*x for the first time after giving birth is a big step so make sure you are completely ready hun. Good Luck :)  

  14. Congrats to start with!!   Medical guidelines say that women will bleed between two and six weeks after the birth of their baby. It seems, from speaking to many women, that the amount of REST that they get after the birth of a baby will determine how long they bleed for. Personal experience changes from individual to individual. Some women experience very heavy bleeding for over two weeks while others have no discharge at all after two weeks. I even know one friend who bled over the course of months. You sound like you are looking after yourself and healing well.

    It is best to avoid s*x while you are still bleeding to limit exposure to infections and if you are concerned that you are not getting back to, few couples are sexually active like they were before birth, this early after birth.  A condom will assist - not only with the isolation of spreading of infections -but with its actual purpose - to stop you getting pregnant again ( you are very fertile straight after birthing)

    Everyone’s experiences make them an expert in their own right - so what is right for one couple may not be appropriate for another. Most couples wait for the magical 6 week mark and are dreadfully disappointed when that incredible pre birth s*x doesn’t happen ( and for some sometimes for months or years it just doesn’t come back to normal!!). The physical facts are that within six weeks of birthing, your uterus should be back to its pre-pregnancy weight and size. Breastfeeding assists in stimulating the hormones released around this function..This is the reason that you are meant to have a six week check up and then are medically are ‘fit’ to commence intimate relations. Your v****a will change shape – even if you had a C section – but especially ( obviously) if you birthed naturally. This does not have to mean for the worse – as many women report a heightened sensuality after birthing – so it CAN be so much better afterwards. Ignored and unaddressed are the emotional and psychological changes that have occurred.And yes - its a subject area that even close girlfriends don't talk about - and health professionals run past or very briefly go over.

    I'd suggest anyone interested to go to as there are free articles and lots of free info specially in this area. In no way does it demonize men nor pass judgments - there is a spot for asking questions too.

    As far as WHEN is the ideal time to have s*x for the first time after depends I guess, on your birth experience and the damage (physically and mentally) that you have endured and the meanings you place upon those experiences in relation to s*x. My advice is to keep an open and honest communication link with your partner and take things slowly – with little pressure – and connect again with yourself as a sensual being, before attempting to touch another.

  15. Doctor's usually recommend to wait 6 week just to make sure everyhthing is heal (inteior of your body)

  16. Congrats,hun.

    Wait 6 weeks.Your body really needs to heal.

  17. if u want to do it right, wait until your checkup so they can make sure everything is back in place and your cervix isn't still dilated to a 10

  18. 6 weeks till you have your check up.its not really safe to have it before, as you could get a infection.but at the end of the day its up to you.x

  19. My doc said 4 weeks and I'm telling you now it hurts.... a lot.  I'm 8 weeks out and iy still does.

  20. Every culture has different taboos surrounding the post-partum period.  In various places women are told not to have s*x, not to have baths, not to shower, to eat certain foods (eggs, warming foods, etc), not to eat certain foods.  Some cultures restrict mom to bed, or even to the birthing room for days or weeks.

    All of these taboos are based on either myth, religious practices, and generally a desire to protect the woman and keep her and her baby safe and strong -the problem with nearly all of them is that they have little if any basis in fact.  Do not take into account different women's needs and experiences, and generally assume women are too stupid or week to protect themselves.

    The prohibition against s*x is somewhat based on religious reasons (many religions consider birth, and menstruation, to make one unclean).  And on the misogynistic belief that a either a woman will be too dumb to stop if it starts hurting, or worse that without "doctor's orders" husbands will not listen when their wife says no.

    Your cervix closes up very soon after birth, basically within 24 hours.  Of course it is slightly open -as it always is when you menstruate.  And of course your uterus is slightly more open to infection -but not significantly more than it is during menstruation.  There may be some small tears to the vaginal tissue -but rough s*x and tampon use can cause the same.

    Basically women birth in their own tubs, so of course they can take a bath.  Also you can have s*x with your own husband. You likely have all his germs already.  I would advise against sleeping with prostitutes or strangers in the post-partum period ;-)  but that would be true the rest of the time particularly during menstruation as well.

    I have not found a single reliable source that says women who have s*x with their husbands are more likely to have infections, or other problems.  Nor is there a single study that shows they are more fertile (people just remember the women that get pregnant right away more than the ones that get pregnant later).  No midwife I have spoken to has seen any evidence that s*x is a problem, though they do wish women wouldn't turn up pregnant at their 6 week appointment (so use protection).

    If you are ready, you know your body.  If it hurts, stop.

  21. if your still bleeding then it will probably be sore but if you feel ready then go ahead but take it easy as you will still be so tender down there, i waited 5 weeks and it was so sore and it stayed like that for a few weeks!be careful though as your body is so much more fertile than normal at the minute

  22. if you really want to then why not just be carefull and take your time and make sure he knows to be gentle at first and see how it goes iv had 4 and didn't think about it for 6 weeks was too sore you will know when you are ready

  23. Girl, I hear ya!  I just had my baby a week ago too.  I am looking at my husband like a piece of meat every time I see him.  I didn't have any desire to have s*x while pregnant, and now I feel crazy! LOL

    Unfortunately, there are reasons the doc tells us to wait until the 6 week check up to engage in any sexual activity.  You have a risk of infection and you body just simply needs to heal.  I had a super easy delivery.  I had my girl out in 4 pushes and, as my doc said, "not a scratch on it!"  Anyway, he still told me to wait until my 6 week appointment.

    You should also be careful right now because it is super easy to get pregnant after delivery.  Are you on any birth control yet?  I don't know about you, but I definitely don't want to be pregnant again for a while.  So just be careful it that's not in the plans either.

    JUST WAIT!!  Better safe than sorry.  I plan on having some kinky fun after the doc gives me to go ahead.  It will make it that much better! :)

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