
How long after having a baby, can i expect my period??

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i had my little girl 15 days ago and i can't see my doctor until friday so i was just wondering when i can expect my next period??




  1. Your baby is gorgeous!

  2. Might not happen until you stop breast feeding.  I still haven't had mine, and I'm still breast feeding my 10-month-old daughter.  But you do have to keep up the breast feeding (at least 4 or 5 times a day).  That won't been an issue for months yet.  You should be feeding the baby 10 - 12 or more times a day right now.  As often as she's hungry.  That little lip l*****g / rooting / sucking looking face will let you know she's hungry. Crying is a late sign of hunger.  Though babies cry for lots of other reasons too.

    You can still get pregnant right after delivery.  You're in the time frame to be fertile again right now, so don't have unprotected s*x.  You could show up at a 6-week check-up to discover you're pregnant.  Even while breast feeding.

    Congratulations on the new baby!

    (I'm still breast feeding my 10-month-old).

  3. It depends. If you're breastfeeding, you probably won't get it for months or maybe even a year. If you're not, you'll probably get it as soon as your lochia ends, around 6 weeks post-partum.  

  4. If you are breastfeeding (which you really should be), you won't get it all until you've finished. In any event even if you are bottle feeding, you'll be bleeding like a period for up to 6 weeks and sometime after that you will get your period.

  5. As everyone else has said, it varies by person.  But the majority of people won't get their period until baby starts eating solids (around 6 months).  I still haven't gotten mine, and my son is almost 9 months old.  

  6. I just got mine and my son was born April 30.  I stopped breast feeding him about a week ago, due to milk depletion, and I have been having to supplement bottles since he was about 1 month old.  As with all things...everyone is different.

  7. It depends.

    If you are breastfeeding, you may be one of the lucky ones whose breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, so you don't get a period.  [I breastfed exclusively though for a year and got my period at 6 weeks].

    If you are bottlefeeding, it will probably be about 6 weeks.

  8. breastfeeding exclusively usually stops your period because it stops you from ovulating.

    search "LAM method" for more info

    my daughter was 14 months old when I got my first period but it is different for everyone.

  9. Because you're breast feeding it may be at least 4 to 6 months before it took mine 3 months to come but my friend didn't get hers until her baby was 6 months...

  10. if your breastfeeding it could be a while, i didn't get mine until my son starting nursing less often at 6 mos.

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