
How long after having s*x can you take a home test?

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how long after having s*x can you take a home test to see if you are pregnant? As for symptoms how long after having s*x also do they usually happen? I missed my period should have started the 20th of Aug and nothing yet thanks!




  1. You can test 19 days after the day you think you became pregnant

  2. After your missed period is best.  

  3. That depends on when you ovulated. If your period was due on the 20th then you can take a HPT now and it should be accurate. At the very minimum you need to wait 12 or 13 days past ovulation (or around when your cycle is due) to take a HPT. Go for it. Good luck  

  4. You can take the test anytime you like

    If you test tomorrow, use the first urine of the day

    Best of luck

  5. first response can be done 4 days prior to a missed period. some brands are more sensitive than others.You need to test based on your expected period, not when you had s*x. Its best to wait until you have missed your period to take the test because by that point if you are preggers you'll have more than enough HCG(pregnancy hormone) for the test to be blaringly positive, no matter when you do it. Since this has occured go ahead and pee on a stick today if you wish. good luck

  6. You should take the test as soon as a few days before your period is supposed to start (if you read the test box and it is a sensitive enough test to do that) otherwise you'll have to wait.

    Of course, you've already missed your period, so take the test now. It doesn't have to be first morning pee either.

    Timing of the s*x has nothing to do with it.

    Symptoms can appear days after conception, or even a few days after implantation of the egg. For some women, especially first timers symptoms won't appear for a month or two.

    Feeling queasy, vomitting, etc is associated with morning sickness, minor cramps, sensitivity, or having a sense that something is "there" or an aware feeling of your uterus, frequent urination, etc. are all symptoms you could possibly be feeling.

    Every woman is completely different. Some women don't experience any symptoms at all!

    Take a test, it'll ease your mind. Good Luck, I hope you get whichever results you want.

  7. You can take a test when you miss your period.  The timing of the s*x doesn't matter.

  8. Hi,

    I am 4 weeks pregnant and I did a pregnancy test the 3rd day after I missed my period. I had a very faint positive line, but there was a line!

    Good luck!

  9. When you miss a period you can take a test.

    Also 14 days after having s*x.

    You aren't going to feel any symptoms until around 6-8 weeks for most people.

  10. can usually take a test a fter you've had a missed period ,although some you can a few days before

  11. Well its only 2 days. I waited until at least a week after my missed period and there was no if and or but about that it was positive! I would just wait to get a more accurate result.

    Good luck!

  12. some tests you can take 5 days before your missed period

  13. When your period is late and if you had s*x at least a couple weeks before that a home pregnancy test would work. So if your late now and had s*x yesterday then you're probably not..You would have to have had s*x also a few weeks ago to be pregnant now. You can buy a test if ya want tho.  

  14. it Algebra or English Lit 101?

  15. When your period is late you can test.  

    Symptoms may start a few days before your period is due, or not for another 2-3 weeks.

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