
How long after miscarriage did you TTC?

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I had a pos pregnancy test around the 8th, and woke up this morning to blood, then pretty much had a full on period by the end of the day. The dr wants to check out my HCG levels but I am sure I miscarried. I am really sad about it all and just thinking about the future. How long after did you all start TTC after a miscarriage? Are you more like to miscarry again once you have? I was only 4.5 wks but it is so devistating.




  1. I have been trying 4 years after mine.... I tried a month after I miscarried! I cant get pregnet now

  2. I'm very sorry for your loss.  The first thing you should know is that a surprising amount of women have at least one miscarriage in their lifetime.  It's far more normal than you might think, and when it happens early on, it's almost always something that couldn't have been prevented.  You should also know that most women go on to have healthy pregnancies after a miscarriage, so there's no reason for you to expect to have another one.  I was told when I had mine that they don't even test the tissue until you've had 3 miscarriages.  I personally waited until I had 2 normal periods before TTC again.  I have 2 friends who waited until they had 1 normal period before trying again, and they're both due with babies in January.  :)  I chose to wait for 2 normal periods because that actually indicates one normal cycle.  I think it also helped me in the grieving process.  I lost mine at around 14 weeks, and I needed time to sort out all of my feelings about it.  My friends who chose to wait after just 1 period both miscarried very early on (like yours), and I think that TTC right away helped them deal with their loss.  So basically, start trying again when it feels right.  Best wishes!

  3. When I had my m/c I went to the dr the next month for a yearly pap and he told me being young and healthy there is no reason I would have to wait to try again. So we didnt. I got pregnant with my son (who is now 1 1/2yrs) a month after that. I wish you luck!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 7 1/2 weeks. I was extremely upset over the whole ordeal, partially because I had called my OB and they had told me that the spotting and cramping I had been having for over a week was normal and to not worry at all. When I woke up in the middle of the night in severe pain and blood and tissue everywhere I was so upset. My husband took me to the ER and they told me that I had miscarried and that I needed an emergency D&C the very next morning.

    A week after my miscarriage and D&C my OB told us that we could resume having s*x. So, we discussed how we felt and my husband and I decided to try to conceive again immediately.

    For me I felt as though I wouldn't be happy or content without having a child. All of our friends were having babies and one of them was due on the same day that I would have been and I couldn't stand to be around her because it only reminded me of what I had lost. I know that sounds bad, but it was a really emotional time for me.

    Every month that my husband and I tried and didn't get pregnant was so hard on us. I would cry when my period would come and sink into a deep depression and there was nothing anyone could do to help me. My husband had been upset about the miscarriage but he didn't really understand how much pain I was in.

    After 6 months of trying we finally conceived again. We used an ovulation prediction kit that final month and it worked for us.

    The whole first part of my current pregnancy I was nervous and worried. We had a hard time being excited because we were afraid that we would lose our current baby also, and we couldn't imagine going through all of that again so soon.

    I had a lot of bleeding and cramping in the first part of my pregnancy and thought for sure that I was miscarrying again. I was diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage and after a week or two the bleeding stopped and now I'm 29 weeks with a baby girl who is measuring 30 weeks. :-)

    Having one miscarriage does not mean that you'll have another and it doesn't increase the chances of it occurring. Actually your next pregnancy has an 85% chance of ending with a healthy baby.

    No one can tell you when you should ttc again. It's a personal decision and a decision that you and your partner should discuss openly and honestly.

    Once again I'm sorry to hear about your loss and know that with time things will get better.  

  5. I completely understand. According to my dates I was 12 weeks along, but according to the ultrasound, I was only 6 weeks when I miscarried. It still hurts. March was one year since I had my D&C. We tried again after 2 months. I was terrified that it would happen again, but we have not had any luck. The pain will not go away completely, but it does get better. Good luck and much baby dust to you.  

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