
How long after my corn snake eats do i have to wait to handle it,and how do i know if it is gong to p**p on me

by  |  earlier

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  1. I usually wait at least three days until the lump from the meal is gone.

    As for the pooping, I have noticed mine will hold still for a few mintues and then them relieve themselves. So if you notice it sitting still for an unusual amount of time id suggest moving it back to the enclosure just in case. =)

  2. you should wait about 48 hours before it ate before handling.

    If you want to be sure it doesn,t p**p on you wait til it has p**p in is viv before handling.

  3. typically I just wait until it poops. This doesn't mean you cannot handle it prior to this but it can be a good rule of thumb. Handling it three to four days later can is typically safe. There's no way to know that a corn snake is going to p**p on you unless there are some signs you notice about your snake. I've almost never had a corn snake poo on me so that should be extremely rare anyway. If your's is for some reason, then just wait to handle it until after it poos and you shouldn't have a problem.

  4. wait 24 - 48 hours after your snake eats before handling it.  you can sometimes tell if your snake is going to make poopies just by watching your snake.  sometimes they will lift the back end of their tail up when they are going to make poopies...sometimes you wont know that they are going to until a few seconds after they do.  if they do no big deal though just clean it up and go on...its not the worst thing that can happen in life. :)

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