
How long after orentation do you start working for the company?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering, because I start my new employee orentation today, but I've got a small vacation planned this weekend, and also in July with my family. Should I tell them once I get to orentation?




  1. I would be more serious about wanting the job. You want to be hired, and then request off a few days right of the bat?! IMO, that doesn't sound like a dedicated and interested person to me. As for how long? Training, and then working your position.

  2. Usually just after orientation is training, then placement.

    How serious are you about wanting this job?

    Sounds like you have a decision to make,

    longtime job income security or short-time  fun vacation.  

    Some Companies can be flexable and or understanding  if your up front & explain '1' of them was "planned",  and make an allowance for it, 'but  2 ' ? don't count on it.

    They c/ see you as a potential absenteeism problem & send you on your way, "keeeping those who are more serious about working and wanting job security."

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