
How long after ovulation does implantation occur?

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I'm pretty sure i ovulated the 23rd which puts me at 8 dpo. I just wondering if we did conceive how many days it would take for implantion to happen? Thanks!




  1. I've read that it takes 5-10 days for implantation.  Good luck & baby dust to you!

  2. I believe 6-12, but it is going to vary woman to woman.

  3. 7-10 days so you could take a early pg test on the 2nd august

  4. Implanttion occurs about one week fter ovultion but obviously this varies like everything else in the womans body compared to another womans body.

    I would wait until you re due for AfF to test for preg.  They say you can test as early as 10-12DPO but that cn give you false negtives nd with alot of woman, the HCG hormone does not show up on the urine test.  

    Wait until AF is due, if you miss take some tests, and if AF does not come back still then call your doc for a blood test.  They are much more accurate!

  5. ive heard it could take up to 7 days

  6. I think about two weeks, because that's usually the rule of thumb to go by after having intercourse to begin testing (to get an accurate result). Also factor in that implantation bleeding usually happens on or around the day you expect your normal period, which is usually one to two weeks after you ovulate. Good luck!

  7. it can be as early as 5 days but it could take up to 10 days...

    you can take an hpt as early as 12 days after ovulation for an accurate result :) good luck! you can also ask doctors online for free for advice on ttc, try this website, FertilityTies

  8. 6-10 days.

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