
How long after ovulation would an increase in CM occur if you were successful in conceiving?

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CM = Cervical Mucus




  1. I'm not sure on an exact timeline for that. I think everyone is different. But most women report feeling more wetness, and getting more EWCM afer they've O'd that's lead them to be suspicous that they're pregnant.

    The CM can dry up after O, but when it comes back right away, I would take that as a good sign. It will just depend on your body as to when exactly that will happen...

    Dust to ya

  2. Usually after you ovulate, the progesterone takes over. So the estrogen that was causing the increased CM is no longer in charge of your system. Therefore, once you've ovulated, the CM as well as your CP will have changed back to pre-O levels.

  3. what do u mean?CM?

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