
How long after?

by  |  earlier

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after a guinea pig is pregnant how long do you wait for to mate her again?

could you do it like a week after she has a baby or what becouse everybody is saying diffrent things.

one person said dont ever mate again and another said wait 5 months.

NO RUDE COMMENTS just tell me




  1. I agree with Courts

  2. Until her piglets stop nursing.

  3. I agree don't breed again, as the mother along with the babies may die the next time :{ (u never kno!) I have read it happens to many ppl...

    Sry don't think I'm rude there are just too many risks I'm scared about my pg piggie! I am just freaking out and keeping a close eye on her in my spare time.

  4. She needs time to recover from the birth PLUS she'll be nursing, getting her pregnant again before the pups are done nursing could harm her and the pups.

    I'd even wait a month after that just to give her body some time or she might not do well at all.
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