
How long after someone dies does it take for their "will" to be dispursed on adverage?

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How long after someone dies does it take for their "will" to be dispursed on adverage?




  1. If the deceased had a trust it may take a few months, but if it goes to Probate Court and if someone fights the will, it can take years.

  2. it will not take a years if you work with it, you should always follow-up.

    try to visit this site maybe this one can help you

    lots of informations in that site.

  3. Well, IF they have a will, it is usually settled within 6 months, unless a relative contests it.  If there's no will, or it is contested, it could be a few years.

    It's all up to the executor, or the judge.

  4. It can take years. It depends how complex the will is, how many beneficiaries there are, if the will is contested, etc.

  5. Both my divorced parents have died.  One took nearly 3 years for everything to be finally disbursed, because there was no will and there was fighting in the family.

    The other took less than a year to close up because there was a good will and no fighting.

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