
How long after sowing should chilies seedlings be transplaned and what is the best way to do this?

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I have sown some chillies seeds about 6 weeks ago. The seedlings are about 5 to 8 cm in height ( 2 leave stage and bodering onto 3 leaves). They are very thin and fragile. I got them in pots indoors.

When is the right time to transplant. What is the best way to do this and what should they be transplanted to ( I would prefer potting individual trees)?

Thanking you in advance for your kind advice




  1. Sir, I must admit I know nothing about growing chilli's, but the general terms for transplanting any plant is when they have achieved 4 leaves. I cannot see a problem in transplanting them into individual pots....good luck.

  2. Transplant them into individual pots, up to the neck of the plant. This will provide some support. Keep them in good, direct sunlight. Once they are established you should begin to harden them off before you transplant them outside. To do this move them outside, in the sun, everyday. Increase the amount of time they are outside each day. Be careful that they do not get sunburned in the beginning. In a couple of week they will be ready to be transplanted outside. Peppers like a lot of sun so be sure they get 6-8 hours of sun/day.

  3. Pot them on into 8" pots with a loam based (good drainage) compost. If you do plant them as individuals, keep two close to each other in order to help pollination of the flowers.

    put them on a reasonably ventillated window ledge, south facing. water them frequently, but do not drown them.

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