
How long after stopping Ortho Evra does it take to get pregnant?

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I know it is RECOMMENDED to wait until your menstrual cycle becomes regular to TTC, but I just wanted to know how long after stopping the use of the Ortho Evra patch does it take to get pregnant? Some people said 24 hrs, some said a year...Thanks!




  1. It just depends on how long you've been on birth control. It should be completely out of your system in 30 after you stop taking it.  Your cycle doesn't have to be "regular" in order for you to get pregnant, you just have to ovulate.  You can get an ovulation kit at the drug store or wal-mart.  It's recommended that you track your temp if your TTC.  I haven't been on birth control and we've been trying to conceive for 3 months and I'm still not pregnant.  I believe a lot is based on luck.  So Good luck to you!

  2. It really depends on how quickly your body can 'reset' its hormones after coming off something that messes with them.  Personally, I had one withdrawal period coming off of it and didn't have another for 4 months.  Other people go back into a normal cycle of ovulation right away.

  3. My sister is a medical transcriptionist and has transcribed for an OB that reported some of her patients that concieved while still using the patch!

    You really need to be careful with this patch! I developed pulmonary emboli in both lungs because of this and have met several others who developed clots that caused strokes and other serious problems. The symptoms sneak up on you, so be CAREFUL!

    I don't have anything good to say about this patch and want to tell as many people as possible about the dangers of this drug!

    I'm glad you're not using it any longer and hope that you concieve as soon as you're ready. Good luck to you.

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