
How long after stopping birth control did you have a period?

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hi everyone

i came off the implamon implant on the 11th august so me and my husband can start ttc early next year. i want to track my cycles for a few months before starting ttc in january.

how long after stopping birth control can it take to start a period again?

i havent had a proper period for about 1 year and a half since i have been on the implant but now i feel like i am going to start my period but nothing is their and there is a quite smelly and white looking discarge in my underwear is this normal after stopping with birth contol? i am worried i wont have a period before we start ttc in january is there anything to make it start quicker





  1. I was on BCP for 17 years and after stopping in January of 2007 my period came every 45-60 days for six months. Then I went in for my annual and my doctor gave me provera to cause a period and then put me on Clomid for 6 months.  Each month on Clomid I did ovulate and after stopping my cycle is still regular.  So the long answer took 6 months and some medication to bring back my period.  

    But not to worry, two of my best friends got pregnant their first month off the pill.  So the odds are in your favor if this is any sampling =)

    Good luck!

  2. I was on Birth Control Pills for 15 years, stopped in January 2008; it took 3 months to get a period and 3 more months for them to get regular.  I'm now officially regular.  :-)

    If you feel like you need to have a period, try parsley or ginger tea.  :-)  You should get something in a few days.  Parsley softens the cervix ~ I used this remedy back in March when I just felt weird and nasty not having a period.  

  3. I stopped taking Yasmin after 6 years on July 22nd. I was in the middle of a pack and started my period on July 25th. I am expecting my next period to be August 22nd if my periods stay somewhat regular.

  4. I stopped taking birth control pills in Dec 07 and had a period 34 days later - my periods came back straight away and every 31-38 days or so.

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