
How long after the U.S. economy falls do you think its going to take for the Canadian one to fall????

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How long after the U.S. economy falls do you think its going to take for the Canadian one to fall????




  1. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha - IROFLMAOfffffffffffffff!!!

    "Fall"? "FALL"??? WHAT "FALL"?!?!?!?

    You kids need to wake up and smell the roses because the day that a REAL RECESSION shows up you're gonna be calling it THE WORST DEPRESSION IN HISTORY.

    You are sadly confused as to the true state of affairs in this country. Yes, in this COUNTRY, not in your specific little lives or that of the folks immediately around you.

    One stat on which to hang your hat: The unemployment rate just went up to 5.5%. Until 2000 or so that rate of unemployment was considered to be the threshold for uncontrollable wage inflation. All the financial press could talk about when unemployment was falling through the 5.5% floor was "Gee, what about the coming inflation?"

    Guess what? Relatively speaking (you know, considering all the other possibilities, right? RIGHT?), things are not that bad. You obviously were not around for the incredibly bad economies of the latter half of the '70s and the early '80s or you wouldn't be using the word "fall" to characterize the future of the American economy. Things could be WAY WORSE and we'd weather it just fine - in time.

  2. The Canadian economy won't fall. Canada refines their own oil, they don't steal it from the middle east for peanuts like the USA does.

    The USA economy will be bad until Americans finally realize that their redneckmobile F350's and V-8 SUV's are eating up 2/3 of their pay checks :)

    And for the idiot poster above, save your b/s political rants, this is an immigration forum, not a political plug for Obama forum. I live in the USA, I have seen first hand what the economy is like. It is the worst it has been in a LONG time. Your statistics are complete horsesh*t.

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