
How long after this tattoo should I wait to work out?

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I'm getting a tattoo on August 31st from shoulder blade to shoulder blade acros my back, and I like to work out daily. how long should I wait to workout again?




  1. About months because the tatoo might ''stretch'' . Since, it is brand new so you have/should wait for a couple of months .

    And it will look ugly .

    xX Tatoo Expert xX  

  2. I would give it a few days. Otherwise it will be uncomfortable. It kinda like working out with a sunburn. You can do it but it's not very much fun.

  3. work out the day you get the tattoo before you go in to get it done, and as long as you wear a shirt you should be able to work out again the next day.  i run every day and when i got a tattoo on my ribs right under my sports bra line it was ok to run the next day.

    i just tried to take it easy so it wouldn't get covered in sweat :)

    and maybe stay away from rowing or exercises that will stretch the skin on your upper back a lot.

    but you definitely shouldn't have to wait months, or even weeks.

  4. I'll have to disagree with most of the people here, based on my experiences.  I will agree with making sure you work out before the tattooing session though; good to slip in a last gym visit.  Just make sure you shower beforehand...

    If you're solely talking about weight training, then your primary concern is pressure or friction on the area, sweating less so (depending on your gym, how you like the heat, etc).  Incline press or bench are the biggest problem although your form will guide that.

    If you're talking about an aerobic workout, then likely sweating is the big concern, although tighter fitting gym gear can also be a problem due to irritation of the tattooed area.

    It also depends on whether the tattoo is more lines & outlining, or shading.  Outlining takes less time for me than shaded areas to heal.

    Anyhow, I'd say wait a week minimum no matter what you have (yeah, I know... really annoying).  Most important is to not work out immediately afterwards as that's when the tattoo is still an open wound; this isn't the case by day 1-2.  If the shedding of dead skin is completed by the end of a week and the skin more or less feels normal, then start back up the workout - with the usual caveats for what you do after you've missed a week.

    You will probably need to stay out for two weeks if you have lots of shading, and potentially even longer if you heal slowly.  As irritating as it can be, don't rush back.  Do some light stuff to keep you toned in the meantime; I substitute fairly long walks for my runs when I get work, and simple calisthenics at home for the gym while healing.  In both cases I try to avoid much sweating and contact with the tattooed area.

  5. Ask the tattoo artist when you go in to have it done.  They will totally know better than our best guesses!

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