
How long after unprotected s*x will a pregnancy test be accurate?

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How long after unprotected s*x will a pregnancy test be accurate?




  1. after a missed period

  2. It has nothing to do with when you had unprotected s*x, you have to wait until implantation has occurred to get an accurate result. You should wait a week after your missed period.

  3. it's 3 days.. but it's better to wait a week

  4. You could try taking one about a week or so after you miss your period

  5. I would wait until you miss your period if your periods are regular. If they are not regular, I would wait a few weeks before taking a test.

    However, if you don't wish to be pregnant I would take the morning after pill because if you have to wait weeks then it'll be too late to take that.

  6. as soon as 6 days but most people don't get a positive test until they are due for their period.  I got my positive test at 6dpo.  I charted my temperature to determine when i ovulated and  used opks, then took a test each day after that until it turned positive.  I ovulated on the 5th of march and tested positive on the 11th of march.  

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