
How long after you drink beer can you drink liquor?

by Guest67018  |  earlier

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How long after you drink beer can you drink liquor?




  1. I can interchange, but that's just me. It depends on your body and your tolerance to alcohol.

    But don't mess with it too much, they don't say "beer then liquor, never been sicker" for nothing.

  2. after 1 min

  3. i drink straight  whiskey,chasing it with a beer,

    or pour a shot of whiskey in a short glass of beer

    great taste and buzzzzzzzzzz

  4. once you've swallowed the beer DUH!

    or at the same time hence the dr. pepper shooter

    it's dropping amaretto in beer and chugging.  it really  does taste like dr. pepper

  5. its not an antibiotic...u can drink 5 seconds after the beer

  6. You can drink about 1 drink per hour. Based on body size so your weight will determine your drinking rate. But the average 160# person can drink 1 drink per hour and not get too drunk.

    Beer is just one drink. A shot of alcohol is just one drink. So if you have a shot followed and a beer you will become more drunk. It is not the combination that will get you sick but it is too much alcohol too fast that will. Just take it slow and enjoy it.

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