
How long after you get married should you send out thank you cards, is it a year or sooner?

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How long after you get married should you send out thank you cards, is it a year or sooner?




  1. ASAP...people understand that after a wedding and the whole shaou-bang you have a lot of chaotic things to tend too but at the same time its not an excuse. You should definitely try to get them out with in weeks of your wedding. It shows that you appreciated their gifts and their presence. If you don't the next time you see them they could possibly act different with you. So please hurry enjoy the honey moon but after that make it a priority to get it done because your WEDDING GUEST made it their priority to ATTEND your wedding.

  2. You should send out thank you notes ASAP after a wedding.  We sent ours out the week after we returned from our honeymoon.  Yes, technically you have a "year", but that's just garbage in my opinion.  People went out of their way for you, go out of your way to promptly say thank  you.

  3. You should send thank you cards out for your wedding gifts ASAP.  As soon as your honey moon is over, you need to be writing those cards and tossing them in the mail box.  Why would you wait a whole year?

  4. oh if people came to your wedding and gave you gifts you should really send out thank you cards as soon as possible..  within a couple of weeks. make lists of all the people who gave a gift that way you won't forget anyone. but after a year that would be way too late. That would be bad manners.. after 2 weeks.. make a proper list and send a thank you card to all those who gave a gift. it doesn't matter how valuable the gift was. the matter that they went out and picked something out for you and your husband they hope you will enjoy is what counts and for that they deserve a written thank you..  if they just attended..  and brought nothing you don't have to send them a card..

  5. So far1 yr is normal.But I don't think  couples can  now stay together  that long

  6. They should go out within three weeks, and sooner if you can manage it.

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